Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Economic Household Enrichment

We had a fun night, learning about creative ways to save money! We would like to pass on some of the info that was shared. There were so many great tips we learned, so if you missed it, ask your Visiting Teacher or other Sisters and they will fill you in!

We learned some resourceful tips about unique ways to use household items. Our tips came out of a book by Real Simple. Visit the Real Simple website and find out more amazing tips.

We learned how to make our own Homemade Laundry Soap. She even brought free samples. So ask around if you missed it and find out how it is working. Here is the recipe:

2 Cups of water
1 Bar Fels Naptha Soap (97 cents)
1 Cup Super Washing Soda ($3.24)
1 Cup Borax ($2.98)
1 Gallon Water (16 Cups)
(prices at Wal-Mart)

Add finely grated bar soap to 2 Cups of boiling water. Turn water to low until soap in melted.

Pour melted soap water into a large clean pail with a lid; add borax and washing soda. Stir until dissolved. Add 1 gallon of water; stir until well mixed. Let it sit until it gels (about an hour)

Cover pail. Use 1/4 cup per load 
(2 tablespoons in a front loading machine). 
*Stir soap before each use.

We also discussed freezer meals, buying food in bulk, couponing, keeping your house organized and clutter free, and gardening.

Here are the couponing links you should all visit!

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