Monday, May 26, 2014

May's "I Mustache You a Question" Enrichment

Thank you to all of the ladies who were able to come to our May Enrichment! It was a lot of fun! Our theme was "I Mustache You a Question." Any guesses what that Enrichment was about??? We were able to get to know one another with speed dating!

The questions on the "I Mustache You a Question" sheet are:
  • What is one thing that would make your bucket list?
  • What is a book or something you have read that has changed you?
  • If calories didn't count, what could you eat every day {OR} if you could only eat one kind of desert for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • If money weren't an option, where would you travel?
  • What super hero power do you wish you possessed?
  • What would you rather win - an academy award, an Olympic Medal, or the Nobel Peace Prize?
  • What is your favorite smell in the whole world?
  • What movie could you watch over and over again, and why?
  • If you were in charge of the background music to your life, what songs would you select?
  • Using one would, how would you describe yourself?
  • Would you rather time travel fifty years forward or fifty years in past?
  • If you could be best friends with a character from a movie, book, or TV show, who would you pick?

We hope to see you at our next Enrichment Night on June 10th at 6:30pm. This activity will celebrate ALL of the ladies in our ward.